The London InterCommunity Health Centre (LIHC) has been a part of London’s Old East community for more than 20 years. We provide health and social services in a welcoming setting to those who experience barriers to care. These barriers may include poverty, homelessness, language or culture, and complex and/or chronic health conditions including mental health and addictions.
Our two East London locations offer care by a team which includes family doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers, dietitians and community health workers. The Health Centre offers many programs that address the factors in our living and working lives that impact our health, well-being and ability to reach our potential. These factors include income, education, employment, housing, food, recreation and social supports.
Our vision is to build opportunities for healthy and inclusive communities.
The Middlesex-London Health Unit is a key part of the local health system.
Our goal is to watch for, identify and address the public health issues that can affect you, your family and your neighbours. We promote healthy living and identify community needs. Health Unit staff members work in schools and in immunization clinics; they work with families to support their needs; they also inspect restaurants and businesses that sell food, swimming pools, tattoo shops, hairdressers, nail salons, spas and more. In addition, members of this team of professionals provide dental services to people who need them, do research in our communities and work with politicians and decision makers to create bylaws and guidelines that lead to healthier communities.
The African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario (ACCHO) provides leadership in the response to HIV/AIDS in African, Caribbean and Black communities in Ontario. We are a provincial coalition of organizations and individuals committed to HIV prevention, education, advocacy, research, treatment, care and support for African, Caribbean and Black communities. ACCHO and its members strive to reduce the incidence of HIV among African, Caribbean and Black people in Ontario, and to improve the quality of life for those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS through the implementation of the Ontario HIV/AIDS Strategy for African, Caribbean and Black Communities 2013-2018 (the ACB Strategy). This is done through coordination of the implementation of the ACB Strategy, capacity development and community engagement, as well as research and advocacy. ACCHO is not an AIDS service organization (ASO)
Le Conseil des Africains et Caraïbéens sur le VIH/sida en Ontario (CACVO) assure le leadership dans la réponse au VIH/sida au sein des communautés africaines, caraïbéennes et noires de l’Ontario. Nous sommes une coalition provinciale d’organisations et d’individus engagés dans la prévention du VIH, l'éducation, le plaidoyer, la recherche, le traitement, les soins et le soutien pour les communautés africaines, caraïbéennes et noires. Le CACVO et ses membres s'efforcent de réduire l'incidence du VIH parmi les Africains, les Caraïbéens et les Noirs en Ontario, et à améliorer la qualité de vie des personnes vivant avec et affectées par le VIH/sida à travers la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie ontarienne sur le VIH/sida dans les communautés africaines, caraïbéennes et noires 2013-2018 (la Stratégie ACN). Cela se fait grâce à la coordination de la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie, le développement des capacités, et l'engagement communautaire, ainsi que la recherche et le plaidoyer. Le CACVO n'est pas un organisme prestataire de services aux particuliers.
“Our Agenda” is an online resource developed by the GMSH network that responds to the complexity of factors that include the emotional and physical wellbeing of men who have sex with men. It also aims to address the impact that homophobia/biphobia/transphobia have on us as individuals and as communities.
The Gay Men's Sexual Health Alliance (GMSH) is a provincial network of frontline workers, HIV researchers, public health workers, policy makers and community members responding to gay men's sexual health needs. The GMSH works to establish long-term, goal-oriented, evidence-based strategies, tools, policies and programs that will effectively assist all of us, committed to ensuring that gay and bisexual men in our communities enjoy healthy, full sexual and emotional lives. Visit www.gmsh.ca to learn more.
WHAI is a community-based response to HIV and AIDS among cis and trans women in Ontario that takes into account the structural and societal factors that increase women’s risk factors for HIV. This initiative, located in 16 AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) throughout the province, is funded by the AIDS Bureau of the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.
The goals of WHAI are to:
• Reduce HIV transmission among women.
• Enhance local community capacity to address HIV and AIDS.
• Build safe environments to support women and their HIV and AIDS-related needs.
WHAI’s objective is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support women living with and/or affected by HIV and AIDS.
A provincial strategy aimed at providing a systematic, evidence-informed, skilled, consistent and effective response to the sexual health needs of Ontario’s diverse communities of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men.